Sunday, April 29, 2007

Key Concepts

My group has choen 3 main key concepts for our Exhibition.
The first and the second key concepts are Perspective and Causation while the third one is connection.

We chose perspective because we want to know whether people realise the affects of Co2 and we also want to know whether they care for Co2 or they don't.
My other key concept causation is chosen becuase we want to know the basic information of CO2. We want to know where does it come from, how is it produced, and what produces it. We are focusing on Human activities that causes CO2 like from factories, deforestation, and pollution.
We want to know about how does CO2 affect where we live. How human activities produce Co2, and what is the connection between modern technology that is developed by humans produce Co2.

We(my group) hope that with these three key concepts we might be able to know more about Carbon Dioxide.

1 comment:

Jane in Java said...

Is Co2 all bad? Do you know?