Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Indonesia, Economy or Carbon Dioxide?

This article tells about that Indonesia, which has rich forests, is being the third largest Carbon Dioxide producer in the world after U.S. and China. They are complaining that Indonesia focuses more to the economical growth of the country like poverty than to keep the environment. Because of this, Indonesia has a good enough reason to cut down trees.
They have decided this in a conference in Bangkok on Friday. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) said that with the technology today, we can solve the problem. They are very concerned if we don’t do anything about this, it could get to great measures. China and India are also connected to this, but it was shocking for Indonesia because it is a small country compared to India and China. Let’s just hope that our economical growth could be well organized as well as our Carbon Dioxide level.

To visit the article please click on the link below.

Walsh, Bryan. (Friday, May 4th 2007), Why Asia is ignoring Global Warming,
http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1617639,00.html, accessed on 08/05/07.


Jane in Java said...

You have taken the first steps Misya. You are a future leader of Indonesia. You can help change this country.

Melvin said...

Misya, do my friend test but actually it's about my exhibition. You just need to go to my blog and do the friend test. Then after that you need to register to complete the friend test. Thank You. Noce comment from Mrs.Jane girl!